
Kiam runs as an agent on each node in your Kubernetes cluster and allows the cluster users to associate IAM roles to pods.

How it works

Kiam is split into two processes that run independently.


This is the process that would typically be deployed as a DaemonSet to ensure that Pods have no access to the AWS Metadata API. Instead, the agent runs an HTTP proxy which intercepts credentials requests and passes on anything else. An DNAT iptables rule is required to intercept the traffic. The agent is capable of adding and removing the required rule for you through use of the --iptables flag. This is the name of the interface where pod traffic originates and it is different for the various CNI implementations. The flag also supports the ! prefix for inverted matches should you need to match all but one interface.


This process is responsible for connecting to the Kubernetes API Servers to watch Pods and communicating with AWS STS to request credentials. It also maintains a cache of credentials for roles currently in use by running pods- ensuring that credentials are refreshed every few minutes and stored in advance of Pods needing them.

Check our Kiam Github page to learn more! 

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